Texas Bound...

I do not have to make these decisions all on my own, but somehow that fact is not helping me right now. I am just so lost...so heartbroken...so tired. I have a TON of anxiety about leaving the kids, which is just dumb because I have two of the best, most amazing and most capable women/angels looking after them while we are away. I find my mind wandering, drifting and constantly over-thinking everything. I am scared that I will make the wrong decisions, hurt people's feelings or have regrets later on when it comes to deciding what to do with everything.
I just HATE this...I really do.
I feel dizzy, off balance- life is all rushing by in a spinning blur.
I am in serious need of some grace right now...
life throws curve balls and I am trying my best to accept that and roll with the punches. It is definitely easier said than done- for sure.
We leave very early on Wednesday morning and will be back on March 7th. I have this huge fear of just losing it when I walk into Dad's house. I know it will smell like him, but I'll know that he never made it home and hasn't been there in a long while. I am truly just scared...scared that I will hurt more, which I just can't imagine right now.
Like I said...I am in serious need of some GRACE.
I am going to carry these pictures with me in hopes that they will help me be strong and remind me that Dad is always, always with me. I was only 2 days old in the top picture. He was such a gentle giant when I was little. The picture below was almost 11 years ago on my wedding day. We were both "full of nerves"...we were laughing at each other. I will never forget that day.