Looks like Spring and Feels like Summer!!!
Oh my...our weather has just been amazing! No wet spring for us! I have enjoyed every single second of the sunshine and heat! No complaints from me!
I have enjoyed working in the yard, getting things cleaned up and having all my bulbs and flowers and trees start to bloom.
I have a few new yard signs...thought some of you might like them-
Ha...this one is my favorite by far!
I decided to give my little garden another go...if you don't know what happened to my garden last year, click here You will get a good laugh...I promise (0:
Anyhow, I decided to only buy 6 plants and see if Griff would leave them be. On the very first day I caught Henry (our dog) digging in the beds to make himself a cool place to rest!!! GRRRRRR....he dug up two of the plants in the process. I replanted them and all was well...for five more days...then Griff decided to pull them all out. I replanted them again and only lost one plant...well... he pulled them out again today (day seven) I decided to give up. Once again, we will not have a garden this year.
Oh well- it gives me an excuse to go to the Farmer's Market every weekend!!!
Not having a garden again this summer is a bit of a bummer, but I decided to not let it stop me from getting the first batch of salsa made! I have one batch done and more to go...mmmmmm....yum, yum, yum!
OH MY....after I had spent some time in the yard, this little yellow friend was crawling up my arm. I have never seen a bright yellow spider like this before. Yellow is my favorite color, but I think I can do without this guy crawling on me...a girl has gotta have her limits!!! I think it is just a garden spider...
My morning glory vines are coming along. My Dad helped me plant them from seed starts a few summers back. They never came up the first summer...but now they seem to be taking off. I can't wait for the first round of flowers to bloom. I think of him every time I look at them and smile at the memory of us planting them together...sure do miss him.
Yep...spring is bursting outside...love, love, love it!

Spring sure is exciting! The hope of warmer days, longer daylight, fresh air, new buds, and hours outside.
Yep...I adore spring and can't wait for summer.
Thanks for reading-
Happy weekend everyone!

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