Sports, Sports & Sports...

Lilly is still loving soccer. I think it's a sport she will always play. She scored another goal in her game today!

This is Griff today at Lilly's game. He was kind of grumpy...I think he sensed that I was about to leave him for a week. Yep...a whole week. We are leaving for Disneyland in just a few short hours!! YEAH! We are all very excited.
Momma B and Jim came to Lilly's game and we did "the swap" with Mr. Griff right after the game. I have been dreading it for a few days. I knew it would be tough...and it was. I cried as I buckled him into their car. I know he will be very well cared for while we are away, but it still makes the temporary good bye difficult. He will be going back and forth from Momma B's to Grandma Kathy's, so I know he will be entertained and very loved while we gone.