Saturday, May 7, 2011

A short trip...

Last week we took advantage of the kids having a 3 day weekend. We took off for La Pine and made the best of the time we had. It was nice for all of us to get away. The weather turned out perfect. When we first got there, I wasn't so sure because there was a bit of snow on the ground and it was cold! Luckily when we awoke on Friday, the sun was out doing a great job of thawing things out. It warmed up nicely and the kids could not wait to get on their bikes. Mac's chuck-wagon from Grandpa Tex is holding up nicely over there and fits in with the scenery very well!

Griff did his best on foot trying to keep up with the bikes. He wants to ride sooo bad!
I eventually strapped him to back and took him for a short ride. He LOVED it...and don't worry all you Grandma's out there- I never took the bike out of first gear. I was very careful and went very slow! So no calling CSD on me!
Mac and Lilly even brushed up on their shooting skills...

Henry, Oh Henry...he did his best of keeping up with everyone, even the moto's. Poor Pup, he's getting up there in age. On Saturday night he was having a hard time getting around because he was so stiff and sore. It made Pat and I realize just how long we have had him. He is 11 now. He is such a good boy!

We found this riding lawn mower for Griff when we went into Bend one day. I was hoping it would help with his jealousy of the motorcycles. It only worked for a short while... at least I tried!
It was a fun trip and we are looking forward to spending some more weekends there this summer!


Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

Wow! This place looks like SO MUCH FUN!! Of course, part of it is the company there! :)
Love the dirt bikes and the bb guns! What a place! What a family! Love it all!!!

Sunday, May 08, 2011  

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