Sunday, February 17, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Thought for Today....
We have SO much going on right now in our little life...I have LOTS to blog about once the dust settles. I have this book that I just bought called
"A Guide for the Advanced Soul".
I randomly opened it up to a page this morning and it said "Stride forward with a firm, steady step knowing with a deep, certain inner knowing that you will reach every goal you set yourselves, that you will achieve every aim."
Wow- could not have opened it up to a better page!!! I am striding forward...very steadily and am not going to give in...yep, I am- and so is my little family.
Stay tuned (0:
Wishing all of you LOVE on this Valentine's Day, we all benefit from it and this world could sure use a lot more of it.

Griff on Ski's!!!
We finally got Griff up to the mountain for a bit of ski time!
He really did a good job. He got tired quickly, but definitely seemed to like it! He is amazingly coordinated for a wee 3 year old. I am sure he will be cruising all on his own in no time.
When he was done with his mini-lesson from Daddy, he was off to play in the snow with Mac, Lilly, Kaymen & Molly!
Thanks for joining us on the mountain Izer's and rocked at helping us with Griff and taking pictures!!!
Romp to Stomp 2013
Yahoo! The Tahitian Ta-Ta's did it again...we rasied over $4,ooo for people fighting cancer and took Top Fundraising Team Title once again!
Way to "Stomp" Gals!
I am truly blessed to have so many amazing friends in my life. We are all different, all have our own stories, values and opinions and we all value and appreciate each other. Together, we are unstoppable....we can do anything together! Coming together as a team to fight for something and support something we all believe in is amazing to witness and something none of us will ever forget! I can't wait to see how much money we raise next year. I also love and appreciate everyone that supported and donated to our team. We wouldn't be able to participate in this awesome event without all of you, so THANK YOU and GOD BLESS!!!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Sleeping with Sharks!
A few weekends ago, the kids went to the new Portland Aquarium with their good friends, Molly and Kaymen, to have a sleep over with the sharks! Oh, and the Dads went as chaperones (0:
They had a great time and said the aquarium is really cool. Pat's Iphone did not take the best pictures, but here are a few-
Molly and Lilly really had a good time.
Crazy her sense of humor!!
Mac became known as the bird whisperer...they seemed to really like him!
Molly too...but we all know she is an animal whisperer!
I think it's great that Portland has an aquarium now. They do all kinds of fun stuff there, including this neat sleepover...would be a cool birthday party!
Pat was awaken at about 3:00 a.m. by some splashing sounds. He was sleeping next to a "sort of shallow" tank that had a stingray in it. He couldn't figure out what all the splashing around was about and was too tired to really check it out, so he just tried to ignore it and fall back asleep...then a big splash was made and before he knew it the stingray was on top of his sleeping bag!!! He jumped up and looked around for someone, but everyone was sleeping, so he had to go find an employee. The two employees were freaking out and were worried that the stingray had been out of the water for too long, but it seemed to recover OK and Pat said it was back to splashing in no time. I am hoping that they eventually moved it to a bigger, deeper tank that it can't escape out of! So funny....would only happen to Potter!!!
Anyhow, the kids said they are going to have otters and penguins coming in the spring, so we will be making a trip back for sure!
Thanks Izer's for making the evening fun!