Wednesday, November 30, 2011
He's coming home

Hi All,
He will be flown home today from Utah. Please pray for a safe flight/transport. I cannot express enough thanks to all of you for your prayers, love, help, support and willingness to do anything and everything possible to help us. Getting Dad home is our first major step to carrying him as far as we can and laying him to rest with all the honor and dignity that he is owed.
Love you all-
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Dad's (Jerry Griffis) Burial Information
Dear Family and Friends,
We will be laying Dad, Jerry Griffis, to rest on Saturday December 3rd,2011. We will have a procession at 10:00 a.m. for those of you that would like to join, please be at Alpine Memorial Funeral Home by 10:00 a.m. Graveside Service will be at 11:00 a.m. at Hillcrest Cemetary in Ft. Davis. Hillcrest Cemetary is located on Cemetary road off Hwy 118. Following the service we will have a gathering at Buster and Pam Mills home. Everyone is welcome to come and visit, share stories and honor Dad. If you plan to send flowers, please call Forget Me Not Flowers in Alpine, Tx at 432-837-2233 and they will make sure that all flowers are delivered to cemetary for us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or any of our close family and friends. Thank you all for your prayers, support and love.
Sincerely, Laura Griffis-Potter and Family
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Headed Home...

As of now, we are awaiting a signature on Dad's death certificate. It should be done as of today. This enables the funeral home in Utah where Dad currently is- to file all the permits we need and book the flight to finally bring him home. John Allen and a few others will be building a pine box to bury him in. This was one of Dad's requests and something that we are more than willing to do in order to honor his wishes. As long as there are no glitches/hang-ups with the permits, etc from Utah...Dad should be home by Wednesday, the 30th. We do not have an exact date set for the burial, but I can tell you that it will be in Ft. Davis.
I want to thank everyone for all the kind words, prayers and thoughts that my family has received since this terrible tragedy has taken place. I still have no words- please just keep praying for us all to have the strength and courage needed to get through the next few days and weeks. I will post more updates as they come. Love you all.
In His Grip- Laura & Family
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

If you knew my father, you know what an amazing person he is. He will be so dearly missed by all of us. Please keep us in your prayers as we try to say goodbye and navigate our way through this. My entire family is in turmoil at the moment. Please keep them ALL in your brother, my poor kids that just kissed and hugged him goodbye yesterday a.m. My Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nonna & Pe-Paw, Close Friends...Everyone.
This is just un-believable to us all. I will be headed home (to Texas) very soon-
This is just un-believable to us all. I will be headed home (to Texas) very soon-
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Happy Birthday Pat!

We didn't do anything big like last year, but we did have a small celebration and enjoyed our evening. We had the Lekberg's over for a nice dinner and some yummy cake. I put all 43 candles on that cake and when he blew them out...we had some smoke!

OTPA Fall/Winter Showcase Inquiry

Trip to Newport

Dad was admitted in free of charge because it was Veteran's Day- I thought that was really COOL!

Our next stop was the Hatfield Marine Science Center. It was full of really cool experiments, science info and exhibits. We didn't have a lot of time there because it closed at 4:00 and we got there at about 3:30. It was worth the stop in, very neat info!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
It's almost here...

I pulled out all our bins of snow gear to see what the kids had outgrown and what we need to replace before the first day of skiing gets here. Griff was enjoying trying on all the gear and he seems just as excited about the winter weather activities as the older kids.
End of Football Season