If you knew my father, you know what an amazing person he is. He will be so dearly missed by all of us. Please keep us in your prayers as we try to say goodbye and navigate our way through this. My entire family is in turmoil at the moment. Please keep them ALL in your thoughts...my brother, my poor kids that just kissed and hugged him goodbye yesterday a.m. My Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nonna & Pe-Paw, Close Friends...Everyone.
This is just un-believable to us all. I will be headed home (to Texas) very soon-
This is just un-believable to us all. I will be headed home (to Texas) very soon-
We wish there were words to offer you even the tiniest bit of comfort, but know there are none. We share your grief and hope you can feel our arms around you. Love you and yours always - Sheri & Larry
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