Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Gearing up for a Great Year!

Below, he made an awesome catch...keep it up Mac Attack!

Both kids are looking forward to the Ice Cream Social coming up next week. This gives them a chance to mingle/catch up with friends, meet new friends and their teachers, check out the classrooms, etc. I have spent a few days helping out down at the school to get it all freshened up...it's looking great!
I am mentally prepping for the big schedule change. I become drill sergeant in the mornings to get everyone up, fed, dressed, teeth brushed, lunches/backpacks in hand and in the truck on time. I have a carpool schedule and cannot be late...if I am, it makes everyone else late! I will also definitely have to entertain Griff more...he is going to miss the kids terribly. He is not going to like them being gone all day, 5 days a week! After school pick-up/carpool is done- it will be a scramble to get homework done, dinner on the table and be on time for football practice. Throw in the fact that I am Vice President for our Parent Club at school, Co-Leader for Lilly's Girl Scout Troop, Team Mom for Football...ugh...I am already tired just typing this. I better take my mighty-woman vitamins everyday!
In all seriousness, it sounds like I am complaining- BUT I am NOT. I love every minute of it and would not have things any other way. I always remember to make time to hang-out with my Gal Pals (they are busy Momma's too!) and visit/relax. We all exchange funny stories and give each-other advice (:
We are going to have a great school year!
We went to a WIPEOUT birthday party this past weekend. What a BLAST. The kids had so much fun navigating their way through an obstacle course competing for the fastest time. The big bonus was getting to see Hunter and Logan and all our other Canby Friends!!

Next it was onto the balance beam...parents were chucking water balloons at them in an attempt to knock them off balance!!

Next came the fire truck/ball pit obstacle. They had to crawl low to the ground and make it through all the balls...this proved to be more challenging for the taller kids!

Making a basket was a sign that you were almost done...

The Finish Line was a fast and final slide to the end!!!

Just when the kids thought it was over...Carmen brought out this huge pinata on steroids- It was gigantic. The kids were going nuts and could not wait to bash it open!!!

Griff kept Pat and I running the ENTIRE time. (what's new) We had to take shifts to keep up with him. It was exhausting. The only time he sat (it was very short-lived) was for cake. He is going to do Pat and I in! He is simply too busy and too high energy for just one of us to handle (:

We miss living right across the street from you!
Happy 6th Birthday Hunter and Logan!
Monday, August 15, 2011
More Summer Fun...

Pat has made it a regular thing to bike down to Joe's Donuts every weekend a.m. with the kiddo's. They love it and can't wait to race back home and eat up their donuts. If we miss a donut- run, it does not go unnoticed.

Sunday, August 7, 2011
Vietnam Memorial Dedication in Canby
It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.
To all the brave men and women who have dedicated or given their lives
to protecting this country and it's freedoms:
Thank you.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.
To all the brave men and women who have dedicated or given their lives
to protecting this country and it's freedoms:
Thank you.

Aloft on its pedestal, it is the most recognized helicopter type in the world. Thousands of lives were literally saved because of the dependability of the Huey and bravery of her crews. It stands as a humanitarian symbol that brought compassion and lifesaving during this time in our history.
The plaza is in the shape of an Asian character meaning "long life".

The memorial also has a Blue Star memorial Marker, first erected in 1944 by the National Council of State Garden Clubs to honor those who served in the armed forces.

Jim's special brick (Momma B's husband)
The wounded soldier in the bronze statue represents Jim's childhood friend, Warren E. Newton.
The artist used a photo of Warren that Jim gave him to do the soldier's face. Jim showed me a picture of Warren in a helicopter. The photo was taken just 3 hours before the helicopter went down and Warren did not survive.

There were a lot of people there. Definitely a lot of veterans there from all walks of life. I was looking/reading all their shirts, vests, patches, etc. It was very moving to see them there and know that I was standing next to TRUE American Hero's. I was wishing that my Dad was there to see it with us.

If you would like to support this memorial please visit- http://www.vietnameramemorial.org/
If you would like more info on supporting our troops please visit- http://thankasoldier.net/index.html
The "Thanks a Soldier" website is amazing...it will bring tears to your eyes.