Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Gearing up for a Great Year!

We are now 3 weeks into Football Season...which means that school is right around the corner, YIKES! So much to do...
Mac is on the 5\6 grade team this year. Being that he is a 5th grader and some of the other players are 6th graders, he is one of the smallest boys on the team. His height is not too far behind some of them, but his weight...WOW, he is definitely small. I cringe every time he takes a good hit/tackle from some of those bigger boys. He is such a trooper. He gets right back up and is ready to give it a go- again and again and again...bless his heart. I told him if he keeps eating the way he does, he'll catch those boys next year!! He loves the game, is having fun, learning lots and has outstanding Coaches this year. We are excited and I am Team I needed another "job" to keep up with (:
Below, he made an awesome catch...keep it up Mac Attack!
With summer winding down and fall sports kickin' into gear, I am simply trying to keep up and prep us all for back-to-school. It always seems to sneak up on me. I do have school supplies and clothes checked off my list, that's always a good start. Lilly is very excited about being a 1st grader and Mac is looking forward to 5th grade as well. I do fear that they might not be ready for Summer-to-School Transition that is about to take place in The Potter Home! This means bathing suits have faded, the sun is setting earlier and the final summer adventures are fast also means much EARLIER bedtimes, letting go of our looser schedule that had room for more spontaneity and starting to plan for a lot more structure that our school year requires. Once we get back into our school groove, it will be fine. I just may need a few breathers before we reach the finish line...LOL
Both kids are looking forward to the Ice Cream Social coming up next week. This gives them a chance to mingle/catch up with friends, meet new friends and their teachers, check out the classrooms, etc. I have spent a few days helping out down at the school to get it all freshened's looking great!
I am mentally prepping for the big schedule change. I become drill sergeant in the mornings to get everyone up, fed, dressed, teeth brushed, lunches/backpacks in hand and in the truck on time. I have a carpool schedule and cannot be late...if I am, it makes everyone else late! I will also definitely have to entertain Griff more...he is going to miss the kids terribly. He is not going to like them being gone all day, 5 days a week! After school pick-up/carpool is done- it will be a scramble to get homework done, dinner on the table and be on time for football practice. Throw in the fact that I am Vice President for our Parent Club at school, Co-Leader for Lilly's Girl Scout Troop, Team Mom for Football...ugh...I am already tired just typing this. I better take my mighty-woman vitamins everyday!
In all seriousness, it sounds like I am complaining- BUT I am NOT. I love every minute of it and would not have things any other way. I always remember to make time to hang-out with my Gal Pals (they are busy Momma's too!) and visit/relax. We all exchange funny stories and give each-other advice (:

We are going to have a great school year!


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