Sandy Pioneers ROCK! Go Red Team!!

The Sandy Pioneers had their play-off games this last Saturday. They played two exciting, cold, wet and rainy make it all worth it- THEY WON both games and received their hard earned medals. What a season! Great job boys! (Mac is #14)

A lot of the family came to cheer him on. We were all cold, but very excited when the team won their games!

Football is now over and Basket Ball has started...we seem to never have a break! Mac has
his first game least games are inside- out of the rain, cold and windy weather! Hallelujah!!

October was a whirlwind, seriously...I can't keep up anymore. Our computer died for a few days and I was already way behind on posting...I am not sure I can cover everything, but here are a few more events that we had going on-
It was Kathy's birthday. We had a party for her at our house this year. She looks wonderful and we all had a great time!

The younger kids painted pumpkins...

Below is some of our "kiddo gang"- missing from picture: Sydney, Griff and Brewer...they were all there, but MIA for picture time!

Brewer and Griff spent a few moments loungin'

A birthday banner that I made for Kathy...first time making one. Kind of like it, so may make more for other b-days!

Catie-Lynn and Lilly had to "dress-up" for the occasion... did Griff!

We had another family birthday celebration at Grandma Kathy's house for Kate. She is growing up fast!

My mom was staying with us over this particular weekend, so she got to celebrate with us and see all of Pat's family. We kept her running for the entire visit! We had football, tumbling, a movie trip and 3 b-day parties all in that weekend!!

I am skipping on a lot of happenings, but have posted the important one's. The kids are doing awesome in school and keeping us very busy. Pat has been really busy at work. In fact, he has brought a hefty project home that I am now working on! I will get paid for some of it... will be nice to have a little extra Christmas $$.
I also am now a Co-Leader for Girl Scouts. My friend is the Leader. Our girls wanted to do Girl Scouts, but the Daisy troop here was full. SO- we started our own! I know...I am a glutton for punishment- but I will get to have some more One-on-One time with Lilly and teach her some great things along the way! We had our first meeting last week and have a great group of girls to form our official Daisy Troop!
I have been sick for about 3 weeks...finally went to the Doc last Friday and found out I have bronchitis. Never had it before- it HURTS! My chest is tight and it's hard to breathe...I cough all night long and hardly have a voice at times. Taking antibiotics and breathing treatments now, so should kick it soon...I hope!!