Griff- 11 months
He loves them!
He is very active and goes, goes, goes all the time. He has made a lot of progress in the sleeping department! (Finally) He still wakes up sometimes in the very wee hours of the morn, but has been soothing himself back to sleep all on his own. He takes great naps now too...the challenge is timing them. I have to run kids around throughout the day and it always seems to happen in the middle of his nap- so I have to wake him. Poor kid!
He loves to play patty-cake, peek-a-boo, catch with his football and absolutely loves tackling anyone who dares to lie on the floor for a rest! He really misses Lilly and Mac while they are at school. He instantly cheers-up when they get home each day.
He has been a bit clingy lately. I don't leave him often, but when I do- he gets a little upset. He calms down very quickly with a distraction, so it's very short lived. He still is not a big fan of his car seat, but has made a little bit of progress. He also hates when I don't let him play in the dishwasher. He throws an all out fit when I shut the door as he is running towards it.
He really impressed me a few ago. I took all 3 kids in for flu shots. He was asleep in my arms when the nurse gave him his shot. I felt awful and thought what a rude awakening...much to my surprise, he opened his eyes, flinched only a tiny bit and went back to sleep. It was awesome! In fact, none of the kids cried or hardly flinched- it was amazing! The nurse was very grateful...I think she had already had a long day of kicking, screaming and uncooperative kids. I sure do remember those days...LOL-
That young man is so cute!!! Love his smile! and his eyes!!! Sweet photos!
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