Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sweet Summer-Time... bbq, smores, swimming, snakes & mohawks!

Ye-Haw! It's sweeeet summertime! We have been swimming, playing, bbq'n and just enjoying the outdoors- Griff has his own little pool and loves it. He spends hours in it-
(she is deathly afraid of them)
The kids have been catching snakes like crazy. This snake was caught by the Whitlock kids and Lilly adopted it...she was totally in love with him (it). We did talk her into letting him go, but it was tough. She named him "Chomper"-

Eatin' up some Smores! Yum-

Hanging with our buds-
I have kids here every day...

Griff is a water lovin' monster!

By now I am sure you have noticed Mac's mohawk...this is the 3rd summer that he has begged me for one and I finally caved. After all, it's just hair and it will grow back- Griff has a mohawk all the time!! Not sure how long it will last before I decide to shave his whole head but, at least now he can say he has had one before!

The Whitlocks and Izers were over on Sunday to bbq. We talked Noah into his first mohawk. This was a pretty big deal because he usually has longer hair and is pretty picky about it- hopefully he has no regrets!

That night, Miss Lilly must have been feeling left out. She wanted a mohawk too- this was Pat's compromise with her!

Hope you are all enjoying your summer!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Say a prayer...or two-

Hey All,
I have lots to post/update you on- but have a full just a quick request. Please say a prayer for my Mom. She is having some rough times. She is living with my Grandparents and I hope she stays there for a long while- it really is the best place for her at the moment. She may not think this, but it really is. Anyhow, her health has definitely been declining and she is just really struggling in more than one way. She has some challenges ahead that are not going to be easy or fun, so just pray for her. I try to keep issues with her on a private level, but it is tough to be constantly worried about her and what the future holds for her.
Thanks and I will post again soon!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A trip to the museum

We visited the Portland Children's Museum today and had a blast! It is truly a cool place-
All three kids enjoyed the activities...

This was at the Clay station/area...we all had a fun time trying to sculpt something...

Ummm...think we may need some more practice. The snowman belongs to Mac, the snake is Lilly's, the bowl is mine and the little man is Pat's.

This was the face painting area. The kids painted their own faces...FYI- if you ever visit here, go light on the face paint. It DOESN"T come off easily...poor Mac- I just about scrubbed his skin off tonight!!

The highlight for Lilly was the "Pet Hospital"
She got to be a veterinarian today!

She had a very difficult time leaving this pup behind... she REALLY wanted to take him home. She did not agree with me at all when I told her it had to stay there-
This was the "Dig Pit"
VERY COOL- it's made out of recycled was the weirdest stuff to walk on.

Both kids really loved the "Water Works" area too. It had all kinds of contraptions that were powered by water...

Lilly even got to dress of her all time favorite things to do!

This station was called "Garage Stop"
The kids were encouraged to make something from items that had been recycled. It was pretty neat to just walk around in and see what all of them were making. Lilly found a flower and decided to make a "wind floater"...not sure where she came up with the term, but she knew what she wanted!!
It was a fun filled day- great way to beat this rain!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

X Games Party

We were invited to Kaymen's 10th B-day party and it "totally rocked"...those are the boys' exact words- Elyse, you are awesome at planning fun parties!
The theme/game was Capture the Flag and the weather could not have been better! All the boys (and some girls) were divided up into teams and played against each other. Camo was the attire and the camo face paint topped it all off!

They even received Dog Tags after they completed the games!

The girls enjoyed it all too-

I told Lilly to put on her "game face"...

Griff enjoyed all the action, attention and outdoors too...

Thanks for a great day Izers and Whitlocks!!