Sweet Summer-Time... bbq, smores, swimming, snakes & mohawks!
(she is deathly afraid of them)
The kids have been catching snakes like crazy. This snake was caught by the Whitlock kids and Lilly adopted it...she was totally in love with him (it). We did talk her into letting him go, but it was tough. She named him "Chomper"-
Eatin' up some Smores! Yum-
By now I am sure you have noticed Mac's mohawk...this is the 3rd summer that he has begged me for one and I finally caved. After all, it's just hair and it will grow back- Griff has a mohawk all the time!! Not sure how long it will last before I decide to shave his whole head but, at least now he can say he has had one before!
The Whitlocks and Izers were over on Sunday to bbq. We talked Noah into his first mohawk. This was a pretty big deal because he usually has longer hair and is pretty picky about it- hopefully he has no regrets!
That night, Miss Lilly must have been feeling left out. She wanted a mohawk too- this was Pat's compromise with her!
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