Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Winter BLAST-

We have been POUNDED with snow the last 4 days
We wanted a white Christmas, but this is a bit ridiculous...
We have tried to make the best of it. You can only sled and walk in it for so long...all our Christmas parties and activities have been canceled. You can't travel very far distance wise-
We will try to make it to Pat's mom's house later today to have our Christmas Eve celebration, but our Christmas Day plans have been canceled because others cannot drive here-
Actually, Pat and I are still cooking and having an "open house" type Christmas. All our neighbors are trapped too, so they are invited to stop in and enjoy some food!
This first set of pictures were taken before the "Big Blast" hit. We only had a couple of inches of snow in these-
I will post some more of the deep snow in next post-

This is Dad sitting on the fire hydrant in front of our house. The day after I took this shot, we had to re-locate it and dig the fire hydrant out!

The kids dug out a "tepee" they can crawl through it for quite a distance-


Our first very small snow man


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will remember THIS this white Christmas for along time!!!

I really love the snow.
I hate to see it go.
but when it keeps me from my friend
then i am ready for it to end!

did you like that one? notice the rhyme?? heeheee

Wednesday, December 24, 2008  

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