Monday, December 15, 2008

Preschool Pictures-

Lilly took some really cute pictures at school a few weeks ago. (If U click on them, U can see them in a bigger frame) I am impressed because she does NOT cooperate when I take her somewhere to have pictures done. I guess I will just rely on school pictures every year! Ha-
We survived being inside all day today. It was just way to cold and windy to be outside. We played games, did some crafts and watched movies.
I was kind of bummed that school was canceled because Lilly would have had her first Christmas concert this morning. I was REALLY looking forward to watching her. Her Christmas break started today, so no rescheduling the concert.
Oh Well, there's always next year and more concerts to come.
Mac's school has a 2 hour delay in the morning as long as we do not get any snow tonight. Guess we'll see in the morning!
Ta-Ta for now!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I love the photos of Lilly. She looks so grown up. So sweet! So cute! Look at what some folk are missing out on! Their loss, eh? Miss Lilly is one sweet heart of a kid! You have done a wonderful job, Miss Laura!
You're a right wonderful momma!!
Love those 2 kids of yours!

Monday, December 15, 2008  
Blogger Tanya said...

WOW!, she is growing up so fast. If we blink all of our little ones will be graduating, guess I better not rush it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008  

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