Sunday, December 7, 2008

Getting our tree...

We ventured out on Saturday to find our tree. It was a beautiful day and the kids were beyond excited. We ended up with a 9 foot noble fir. (Pat REALLY enjoyed cutting it down) We had to do some trimming on it when we got home, but it is still at about 8 1/2 feet tall in the tree stand. We attempted decorating it that eve, but ran out of lights. So we started again today after a trip to get more lights.
When all the lights were up, we were amazed at how many it took. It has 8 strands of lights...that's 800 lights!
Anyhow, the kids put the ornaments on this eve and I am planning on doing some "finishing touches" sometime tomorrow...
This is by far the biggest tree we have ever had!
I will post pictures of it as soon as I get it all finished-

I am exhausted...I painted Lilly's room today and the kitchen, plus some decorating and cleaning up! WHEW...but feels good to have gotten it all done. Sometimes I think I just might be Super Woman....HA, yeah right...only in my dreams-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That's cool! What a great family outting on a perfect Saturday!
Hey! Mac looks like he is 1/2 as tall as your tree! The guy is sure growing up!!
And, 800 lites? oh my! I bet it is beautiful in your new house!

Monday, December 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My PM kinders say that your tree is "very pretty. Your tree is cool. It so mucha lites. Your tree is awesome.
Your tree looks nice. Your tree is tall. Your tree is tall and pretty. Vann likes the angel on top of your tree. I like it because it looks cool and awesome. I LIKE it!!"
those were just a handful of comments on your tree.
Heee heeee.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008  

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