Monday, December 15, 2008

Fun in the Snow...

These were taken yesterday (Sunday) in our back yard, front yard and on some of the walking/jogging nature trails in our development. I had a TERRIBLE time keeping Lilly in. She still has strep, but is a lot better- I have caught her bug and am hoping to not get strep!! That is the last thing I need right now...have not been outside in the snow to play as of yet.
We did not get as much snow as expected, but I think it was enough, especially with the ten day forecast that says we are getting more! It is freezing...only 18 degrees today and school is cancelled. Driving is NUTS...everything is frozen. I always stay home, not much on driving in bad weather. With no school in session, I have a lot of entertaining to do with the kiddo's. I had planned on getting a lot of things done and finish getting ready for my Dad's arrival on Thursday. Oh well, seems mother nature has other plans! I am hoping my Dad's flight is not delayed/cancelled. The kids are looking forward to him being here, and so am I.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You best make sure your pop's has warm winter clothes! Hey! Do we dare think we might have a white Christmas? I have lived here all my life and that has NEVER happened! That would be so cool! Of course, you would have a better chance of that where you live. Or maybe not. We have 2 inches of snow now. is that more than you guys?? who woulda thought that?
Get well, too!!!! that's an Momma B. order!!!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008  
Blogger Tanya said...

Looks like fun, we had snow, but it was to slushy to stick to the ground. Hopefully, more will come our way.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008  

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