Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter turned out to be a nice event for the most part. These are the only pictures I managed to get, but it seems that I am always so busy now on Holidays- it's hard to snap photos! I took these pictures just before we left for church. I tried several times to get Griff to smile or even look at the camera. He was not cooperating...
After church we went to Grandma's. We had a wonderful meal and unfortunately had to do our egg hunt in doors. It was a pretty wet and soggy day. It's always harder to have an egg hunt inside. It's crowded and the kids can't run or spread out to hunt for eggs. It's also tougher to get pictures, but we made the best of it and they didn't complain much after they had their baskets full! Griff did great at church. He napped in the nursery so I figured he would do great for the afternoon but he didn't. He was very grumpy and fussy the entire day. I know he's fighting a cold, but he was really difficult to handle. Pat and I had to just take "shifts" with him all day. Mac ate and ate and ate. He had a huge plate full at dinner, 3 helpings of Momma Mississippi's banana bread pudding and ate just about all his candy after the egg hunt! I told him to take it easy and all I got was a "whatever Mom" look...well on the way home we had to pull over and let him throw up on the side of the road. Maybe, just maybe... next time he will listen to me??
Hope you all had a Great Easter!


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