Lilly's turning 7!

Six was fun. I have treasured it all.
You are fierce and independent, strong willed and very smart.
Your laughter is infectious.

Your smile is the best. Maybe today you may not love all the pictures of your gap toothed smile I take, but I know one day when all your adult tooth are in, I will miss that pirate smile of yours. You say funny words like "pam-pakes" and "chickmunk" though they are dwindling more and more as your vocabulary has exploded this past year with words and reading. You are now an independent reader!! Way to go!

You are constantly moving, spinning and dancing. Every person you meet is your new best friend. You are such a sweet sister to your brothers. I have no doubt that you will always have many friends Lilly- you exude confidence and fun and those are two very wonderful qualities. You stand your ground steadily. You are a firecracker, little gal. You do a lot of things that most girls your age won’t even try. You ride dirt-bikes, you ski, you ride a mountain bike, and you have NO fear on the trampoline, in the swimming pool or on the diving board. You always give everything all you’ve got.

Seven will hold many new adventures for you, but I never fear adventure when it comes to you, you just dive right in.
You draw beautiful pictures, your handwriting rocks; you love gymnastics class, and will soon begin cheer.
You dress yourself each day in fun patterns and stripes. You love dresses over blue jeans, but play hard and tough like the boys do.
You have the warmest, deepest brown eyes I have ever seen and beautiful wavy hair.
You had to learn a very sad and hard lesson this past year about love and losing a loved one. You love Grandpa Tex with all you have. We can all see it in your eyes, your actions and how you speak of him. He is so very proud of you Lilly- always, always remember this and always remember how much he loves you, all the special times and memories of him. You are right when you say that he is an angel and that he is watching you. You have handled this whole process with remarkable grace. We are all so proud of you baby girl. Grandpa Tex always called you “the apple of his eye” and he even picked out your name.
You still sleep with a blankie at night tucked under your chin, which I love.
Your favorite colors are pink and blue.
Next fall you will be a big second grader. I know you are so very excited for that day to come, but for now we have spring to look forward too and a whole summer to play, laugh and linger in.

Happy Birthday sweet Lilly!
You amaze your Daddy and me every day.
Your spirit is full of sunshine and happiness. May you forever keep that and may all your birthday wishes come true. We love you so very much.
nicely done.....
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