Sunday, April 1, 2012


Well, it's the last day of spring break...and our spring break totally sucked. There is just no other way to put it. We are all STILL SICK.
Pat, myself and Mac went to the doctor yesterday and Lilly and Griff went today, again.
Mac, Pat and I are on Z-Pacs and breathing treatments every 4-6 hours. This crud has just settled in our lungs and is making us miserable. I even had to take steroids for a few days to try to help break it up! Poor Mac, he was getting better and then it came back with a BANG! He had to miss a mountain bike race in Corvallis today because this crud came back. He was really looking forward to it and he has been training hard for it as well.
Lilly and Griff are mostly coughing really hard and have the nose crud. They are not as bad as the rest of us but Griff is not fact, he has been up since 3:00 a.m. this morning and is still up! It's brutal.
The doc thinks it's all mostly viral, so we have to just ride it out...we have been sick off and on for almost 4 weeks now. We are all tired of it and it definitely ruined spring break for us.
I can't help to think we'd all feel a lot better if the sunshine would show up and dry everything out and warm us all up!!!
Hope you all had a nice break.


Blogger Pamela Lacey said...

To my dear sick family, I hope you are all well and better soon!!! I love you all very much!!! Get well soon and happy Easter!!! Lots of love, Mom

Sunday, April 01, 2012  

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