They were very into decorating the eggs this year.

We went to the community park today to participate in the big EGG hunt they have every year. There were a lot of people there! It turned out that there wasn't an egg hunt for Mac's age group, so helped Lilly eye-ball a golden egg and other big goodies from her section for her age group. With her big brother's help, she came up with a very strategic plan to be the first kid to one of the golden eggs...

...and she GOT IT! She was so excited!

When she turned in her golden egg, she was given a sweet Easter Bunny. She did not put it down all day and it went to bed with her tonight!

Griff ended up not doing the hunt for his age group. They had each section roped off by age and parents were not allowed into the hunting area at all, not even with the tots. I thought that was a bit ridiculous and knew that Griff would probably run away or I would loose him in the total chaos of all those kids...there were TONS of them. I told a few of the people that were "working" that section that I felt it was not a good idea to not have toddlers accompanied by an adult. Of course, it got me nowhere. I will be contacting the city about it and also asking why Mac's age group was left out. They even had a Teen Flashlight Egg Hunt last night for kids in grades 6-12. Mac couldn't participate in that because he's a 5th grader, so today they left out 4th and 5th graders. Really not that fair, I think.
Hope you all have a very fun and blessed Easter!
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