Monday, April 11, 2011

Miss Lilly's Birthday!

Our baby girl is now 6 years old. It's amazing how fast time is flying by! I sat up in the wee hours of this morning and reminisced on the day she was born...really doesn't seem like 6 years ago. I do love her so...
Anyhow, we had a party with some of her girlfriends on Friday evening. We had a house full and they all had a blast! I enjoyed watching her celebrate with all her friends. She was one excited, wound up kiddo! Thank goodness Momma B came to help me out with this group. I was definitely out numbered! HA-

She is very much into the Power Rangers right now. Not many of the girls even knew who the Power Rangers were, but they do now! I had a hard time tracking Power Ranger items down...but I did find a Power Ranger cake pan on Ebay! When she saw her pink Power Ranger cake, she FLIPPED!!

We played games, made bracelets and bookmarks, opened presents, had pizza and then did cake. It was an action packed party!
Griff helped out with the bracelet making activity. These lil' gals were in awe of him and gave him lots of love...he soaked up every second of it!
In the picture below, Lilly was in her Power Ranger costume. She put it on as soon as she opened it. She is so funny...

We sent Lilly a rose and balloon to school today. They delivered it to her in class. She was so excited. I had decided to not take cupcakes to school and take up the kids' class time. Their schedules are already so tight. I also thought Mrs. Evers would really appreciate a "no sugar high" today. LOL..Lilly didn't mind at all, she loved her rose and balloon!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl. We love you very much (:


Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

What a young lady Miss Lilly has become! I was reminiscing myself. It seems like just yesterday I met you all! Was Lilly almost 2 when Mac was in my class?? And now she is a trend-setting 6 yr old! Lovin' that pink Power Ranger! Well, Lilly is MY hero!! I just adore her! Keep up the good work, momma! And wow! what parties you through!!! :)

Monday, April 11, 2011  

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