Monday, July 13, 2009

Saturday & Sunday

Saturday started off with a trip to the carnival. The kids had a blast! (no surprise) Their bracelets were good for the entire day, so we went back again later in the day to ride more rides after looking through all the booths.
Dad had left at 4 am to meet Jimmy to go clamming at the coast. Dad had never clammed before and had an awesome time. He met us later at the carnival after a little nap...

Mac got to see a lot of his friends from school. This is Anthony & Gianna.

Lilly LOVED the roller coaster!

Pat rode one ride with Mac and helped Lilly play some games. Rides were off limits to me...bummer, cuz I like them!

Lilly's grand prize!

Sunday morning Dad left at 2 am to meet Jimmy again. They went to Astoria and fished out in the ocean. They limited out on Salmon and Crabs. They also did some Sturgeon fishing, but didn't catch any that were keepers. Dad didn't get in until about 7 last night and was exhausted, but he had a GRAND TIME! He caught 5 or 6 Salmon just himself.... lots of fishing & crabbing in one day! Jimmy took lots of pictures and as soon I get some of them, I'll put it 'em up for all of you to see.
I really wanted to go, but knew that being pregnant and being in a boat on the ocean would not mix well, plus I had to work at the Mountain Festival in our school Art Boothe. It was a very SOGGY and COOL day.... but the Festival was still busy. Pat had to hang out with the kids while I was gone, but he did get to get on his bike and did a 2 1/2 hour bike ride. So we had a pretty relaxing Sunday.
Today is a bit more busy. I have the Wright Kids for the day. (there are 5 of them) Mom (my friend, Lisa) is having a scheduled C-Section and will be having Baby #6 sometime this afternoon! So, I have 7 kids today!! So far, so good. They are all VERY well behaved. Lilly is actually at VBS until 12:00 and then she will be back to play.

Sherry, Jimmy, Glenda (Jimmy's Mom) along with Tarver, Catie Lynn and Brewer will be here also later this evening for dinner. Sherry is making fresh clam chowder with the clams that Dad and Jimmy caught on Saturday morning. We will also have the crab that they caught yesterday.... it will be good 'eatin for sure! Dad loves clam chowder.

He just left to go spend his gift card that we got him for Father's Day at the Harley Davidson Store in Clackamas. It is a huge store and I think he may have needed a break from all these kids running around- Ha!


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