Monday, June 29, 2009

Catie Lynn Update

Hi everyone,
Here is the latest update on Catie Lynn.
Thursday, she completed her CT scan and Ultrasound. The results were good
and they found no evidence of any remnants of the tumor. They did find that
her right kidney is enlarged, this is to be expected, so they were not
concerned. They also found that her gall bladder is enlarged. They did not
find any gall stones, so they are not concerned with that either. I only
spoke with the nurse, so I will find out more about the gall bladder this
Unfortunately, they scheduled the CT scan first and after she woke up we did
the ultrasound. She was upset when she woke up from the anesthesia.
There's nothing like holding a cranky 15 month old down so they could do the
ultrasound. My sister-in-law Laura came with me and helped hold her down.
Thanks for the help Laura!! After the ultrasound we went to the clinic for
her Chemo.
Her blood levels were great. In fact, they were the best they've been since
she started. She still has a little cold, so I was surprised how good her
blood levels were. She received the two Chemo drugs and we were on our way.
I just want to thank my Mom and Laura for coming with me to these
appointments. My lap is getting shorter and shorter and it's rather
difficult to hold Catie Lynn for an extended period when she is fussy. It
really takes two of us to entertain her while she is getting treatment.

Catie Lynn really took off developmentally this last week. She started
walking, opening doors, and climbing on chairs and tables. Wednesday night,
she opened the back door and headed out towards the back yard. I guess she
wanted to see the chickens by herself:-) It was pretty exciting. She
obviously new that the baby was coming so she better escape while she could.
I am scheduled for an induction this coming Tuesday, June 30th. Unless the
baby comes this weekend, we will be parents of three on Tuesday at the
latest. My family will be helping us out with the kids while we're in the hospital.
I have enclosed a picture. This is the last time you all
will ever see me prego:-) BTW, this is not an attractive picture, but it's
the only one I have with the kids. I hope you all have a great week and
talk to you soon!


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