Momma said there'd be days like this!

He has been carrying his blankie with him everywhere and has had the tightest grip on it every second of the day. I am guessing that it's because Pat and I were gone for those 7 days to Texas and he needed it for comfort and security.

He knew right away it was missing and he also knew that it was in the wash.
It was absolutely filthy and stunk horribly...I could not stand it anymore.
I just decided it HAD to be washed no matter how upset he was going to get.

he was beyond upset and ticked! I had to lock him out of the laundry room because he was literally climbing up the front of the washer to get it out!

I could not distract him with anything until about the last 5 minutes!
I may have traumatized all of us!!
He screamed and screamed and screamed at the top of his lungs almost the entire time. He was wore out by the time his blankie was clean and dry!
Lordy, I know that one. Been there, done that. Very recently. It was painful for both of us.
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