Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Too Garden or Not Too Garden...

 I have a bit of a dilemma...
Garden boxes are done and ready to go. I planted my onion starts first. I was super excited about getting a good start on the garden this year. I haven't had one the past few years-
Anyhow, after I got the onions in, I took a short break to make lunch.
The kids were out playing.
When I got back to do some more planting- this is what I found!
GRIFF, OH GRIFF...what am I gonna do with you?
He pulled out every single onion that I planted!!!
I told him "NO"...and started replanting them.
As soon as I turned my back- he pulled them all out again...he was very happy with himself.
SO- NO MORE PLANTING until we get some sort of fence or border up to keep the 
GRIFF MONSTER out of the garden boxes.
Yikes, Geeeezzzeeee...what am I to do with this crazy kid!


Blogger Tookie said...


Wednesday, May 02, 2012  

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