Sunday, September 12, 2010

First week down...many to go!

We survived and thrived the first week of school. It was an adjustment for all of us. I miss them terribly during the day, good thing I have Griff to keep me company.
He misses Mac and Lilly too! He was crawling from room to room looking for them. It was cute, but sad at the same time.
Lilly was all about her outfits. She wore frilly dresses almost every day. I did talk her into wearing jeans on Thursday because she had P.E.
Funny...she did not request that I take her picture that morning either- silly girl!
Mac was told by his Football Coach to wear his game jersey to school every Friday because they have games on Saturdays. He looked handsome in it and was more than "pleased" to be wearing it. When I watched him walk into the cafeteria before school started to meet up with some of the the other football players, I had a major flash back of my high school days...too funny. Some things never change-
All in all, it was a good week. I think this school is going to work out great for the kids. They are definitely given opportunities to learn things they would not elsewhere. I am excited to see how far they go. Lilly is already speaking a bit of Mandarin Chinese. She seems to be picking it up faster than Mac is. I am going to see what I can learn too. If I don't, I will have no idea what they are saying...


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