Monday, August 30, 2010

Football Jamboree 2010

Mac had 2 games on Saturday. We had to be there early, 7 am for weigh in and the games at 8:00 and 9:00. He did an awesome job, as did the whole team. They won both of their games!
In the picture above he is in the red/black jersey getting ready to take on his opponent...
In the picture below, they are fighting for the tackle. (right side of picture)

Mac is #14. He caught the only pass of the game and ran as fast as he could...he was taken down by 3 players and loved every minute of it!
It was a great start to the season!

He is such a good looking kiddo!!

Getting some advice from Dad...

Griff was happy to be down and free...he spent most of the time playing with the stroller.


Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

You certainly do have some mighty fine young men there, Miss Laura!!
Mac looks very handsome in his uniform! And Griff looks charming in his!! :) You're such a good momma!

Monday, August 30, 2010  
Blogger Tanya said...

I am so behind at looking at everyone's blog. He is growing so fast and I can't believe the kids just started school. Bryce has been in school since the 2nd week of August. Our kids are growing so fast, crazy.

Friday, September 10, 2010  

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