Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Clackamas County Fair

We went to our old hometown of Canby for the County Fair yesterday. It was a great day! We started out at Momma B's house and walked down to watch the parade. After the parade was over, it was carnival time!
Yes, Griff sort of has his first "shiner"- he hit the corner of his eye on the train table in our playroom. The boy is covered in bumps and bruises most of the time. He is in to everything!!

Lilly always has to have her face painted- it has become a tradition. Both kids love all the rides and have ZERO FEAR of them. Lilly gets totally ticked when she is told that she is too small to ride some of them...

The 4-H and FFA animals are always a big hit for the kids. We visit with the bunny's, hens, ducks, pigs, horses, cows, goats, sheep...
...and this ugly looking thing!

The OMSI station was new this year and my kids loved it. Mac really likes science, so he could have spent most of the day there.
A bonus of the day was running into a lot of our neighbors and friends. It was great to see all of you!!
We ended the day with a pony ride, snow cones and cotton candy.
It was a MAD DASH to get home for football practice...we made it just in time!


Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

Thanks for a very fun day with you all!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010  

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