Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Our day trip on Sunday to Seaside turned out fabulous! We ALL had a great time. I started out feeling guilty for leaving Griff behind, but I knew he would have a great day with Momma B, and he did! The beach isn't much fun for him because he wants to eat sand and gets tired of me telling him "NO" to everything...LOL-
Anyhow, the day was perfect. The weather was awesome.
The kids played and played on the beach. We made sand castles, got wet in the surf, flew the Nemo kite that Lilly got for her birthday way back in April and just enjoyed the sunshine!

Lilly had never flown a kite before this trip. She was more fascinated by it's shadow than actually flying the kite. It was pretty funny watching her-

Mac was an instant pro and had to give his 'lil sis some pointers...

Seaside is probably one of my favorite spots on the Oregon Coast because of the beach and the Broadway that runs along it. There is SO MUCH to do. We ate tons of goodies, did a bit of shopping, went to the Aquarium and played at Funland!
The kids had their sugar intake and then some in no time!
Ever had a Chocolate Covered BACON TWINKIE??
So Gross... maybe-
I did not taste it, so maybe I should not judge-
The candy shop we went in had about 13 different types of Twinkies and Mac had to try the bacon one...HE LOVED IT. I was relieved that Lilly only wanted her butterfly lollipop...
We also couldn't leave without getting Grandpa Tex some salt water taffy, it's one of his favorites.


The Aquarium there is small, but it has a lot of great stuff to do and see. The kids love feeding the rescued Sea Lions. They are so cute and full of personality!!

We also like the open tanks where you can touch and hold sea cucumbers, sea anemones, crabs and star fish.

This is a Sea Cucumber- strange looking creature. Have to share what Lilly said about them- When I told her what they were called, Sea Cucumbers, she replied with "I am not eating cucumbers anymore". Mac and I busted up laughing... however, Lilly was serious. She has not eaten a cucumber since!

Mac likes the eels. He says they look like grumpy old men??
The Octopus was sleeping.

It was a fun packed day. We didn't get home until about 11:00 p.m.
Mac and Lilly really enjoyed some alone time with just Pat and I, so THANK YOU Momma B for spending the day with Griff!


Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

It was my pleasure to be able to help you out. Griff was an awful lot of fun! I enjoyed the day. I'd do it again anytime I can! Just say the word! love you guys!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010  

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