Thursday, July 1, 2010

7 months

Yep, Griff is 7 months old today. Wow- it is just flying by. He is a pretty cute kiddo. He has his two bottom teeth in now and working on some more. He eats a lot, but definitely has a few things that he does NOT care for. Avocado and Apricots are two of them-
He is not a great sleeper, but I am learning to "deal with it". I try naps during the day, but usually give up. If we are in the truck, he will fall asleep in his car seat, but that's as close as we get to a nap usually. His night time pattern is still pretty unpredictable. Some nights he sleeps about 6 hours, other nights- less. Mac and Lilly were AWESOME sleepers, so this is an adjustment. I am surprised at how happy he is for as little sleep he gets. I love his smile and laugh, it'll melt your heart!
He is a Momma's boy at the moment. Sometimes I have to hide if he is with someone else or just sitting on the floor playing. He will be happy and content until I come into the room and remind him that I am not there- in my terms, it's "baby jail". Ha-
I can take him anywhere and he keeps himself content/occupied. I even took him to the movie theater to see Shrek 3 a few weeks ago. The kids wanted to see it so bad and I did not have a sitter, so we braved it...he did AWESOME!

He has just about mastered crawling every where he wants to go...especially if it involves chasing the vacuum or getting a hold of Lilly's cereal!

Since he is now completely mobile, the real work begins. baby gates are up and a few other baby-proofing tasks have been done. Still have some things left, but we'll get there!


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