Thursday, August 12, 2010

Let's see if we can "catch up" a bit...

July turned out to be an extremely crazy, busy month for The Potter's, but it was fun. I am really behind on just about everything- including blogging. I am reminded just how far behind I am when people start emailing me to see if we are all OK because I haven't posted anything in a's nice to be so loved!! Thanks to all of you that "check in" on us! We love you too!!

SOOO- we had a BBQ gig (above) at a local car show. It went well and we learned a lot. Thanks to Destiny, Jason and Ginnie for all of their help!
Aren't we just the cutest couple ever?
We celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary on the 4th. (We have been together 14 yrs) We had a great time at the Sandy Mountain Festival! Good friends and good music...doesn't get much better than that! I am a truly blessed Wife & Momma!

On the 4th, we went to the Izer's to BBQ, play games, have a huge silly string fight and ended the evening with fire works. It rocked!

The summer has flown by. The kids have been in all kinds of camps, VBS, swimming, soccer, football, cheer-leading, etc. We have been camping and bike riding too. Pat is keeping busy at work and we have done a ton of work in our back yard. It is looking really nice. We put in some bigger trees and added two new patio's off the existing patio. Our weather has been really nice lately...except for our camping trip last weekend!! It just rained and rained, but we were camping at the Oregon Coast- so we should have expected it!!
All in all, it has been a good summer. The only thing we haven't done that I really wanted to do- is go to Texas for a visit :0(
We will get there as soon as we can!!


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