Thursday, August 12, 2010

8 Months

Our Lil' Griff is now 8 months old and keeping us all RUNNING. The boy is into everything and can get anywhere he wants to go. He will be walking in no time-
He gets carted around by the girls all the time. He definitely loves the attention- even if it means riding around in Lilly's pink doll stroller or the pink Mustang Convertible. He could care less, just as long as HE is the center of everyone's attention.

He weighs right at 22 lbs! I can't remember how long he is. He has 5 teeth now- 3 on the bottom and his 2 front teeth are about halfway through. He absolutely dislikes being strapped down in ANYTHING. This includes the car seat, stroller, bike cart, jumping johnny...etc. All he wants is to be down and be free to roam. His sleeping is getting a bit better, but he still wakes at night. He has started, just started, napping some during the day. He says Da-Da, but not Momma yet. He makes a lot of noise when he wants something or gets upset. He has this funny growl that he does a lot- it turns a lot of heads in the grocery store!!
He eats well...obviously- he would rather feed himself than let Pat or myself do it. The bigger mess he can make, the happier he is. I have a feeling that he will be a "tantrum thrower". Not sure how I will handle that! Mac and Lilly never did have them...
I am sure I will manage- LOL


Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

I love Griff's funny little growl, his singing voice, and his delightful giggles! He certainly is a lot of fun!

Friday, August 13, 2010  

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