Wednesday, May 5, 2010


...I awoke to SNOW this morning! UGH...I am soooo tired of it- can't get away from it! I know that I really should not complain. In the big scheme of things, the east is washing away and flooding is severe. They are also having tornado's...I should be thankful that all we have to deal with is snow...ho-hum.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...I understand how you feel. I want sunshine...warm bright sunshine.
It so feels like winter again! At least Canby doesn't have snow. Although one of the teacher's from OC said it snowed on her way here this morning. ugh. And we planted our garden on Sunday. :(

Wednesday, May 05, 2010  
Blogger Coody Corner said...

Well, it is 103 here today ... enjoy the snow!!!!! :-)

Wednesday, May 05, 2010  

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