Thursday, March 11, 2010

Double Wham-O

So, just got back from Pediatrician visit. Griff has an ear infection and she says he is DEFINITELY teething...OUCH. Poor kid- explains the fussiness, irritability and NO SLEEPING lately. Hopefully he will feel better's early for teething- but Mac had his first tooth come in at about 4 months, so Griff is following closely. Oh- he weighs 15lbs. 9oz...chunky monkey.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor little guy! I kinda wondered about teeth when I was with the kids on Friday and Saturday. Griff just seemed to be drooling a lot. He seemed to be wanting to "chew" on his hand but I figured he had discovered them? But hey, what do I remember? it wss 25 yrs ago that mine were his age. Such a long time ago!! Enjoy EVERY moment in the lives of your darling angels! It most certainly does go by way too quickly!

Thursday, March 11, 2010  
Blogger Kelsey said...

Oh no; poor guy! I hope he starts feeling better soon. I'm convinced Robert's teething too. I just hope he gets his quicker than Clara did. She was the exact same way and yet no teeth until 10 months. I think she was miserable the whole time too.

Robert is just plain gross right now. He completely soaks both of his hands and then rubs them all over his face and ends up glistening from ear to ear. Bleh!

Thursday, March 11, 2010  

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