Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An evening at The Potter Home...

You will want to have your volume up for this one...

I was in the office and
Pat was in the kitchen with
Griff and Lilly. Mac had escaped the noise/chaos by the time I came in with the camera.
All I could hear was crying- it was kind of funny-
to me that is...Griff was hungry and Lilly was mad because she didn't want her dinner.
In Pat's defense, he had been trying to get Lilly to eat for about 40 minutes...


Blogger Tanya said...

Glad to hear that ya'll are doing well. Cody would have lost his mind with all the crying.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010  
Blogger Pam Griffis said...

I am glad that other houses seem to be chaotic at times, just like my house. For a minute there, Lilly was reminding me of Connie. It's too bad we aren't closer, I think those two have alot in common. And I agree with Tanya, Jeff would have lost all patience. Pat still seemed to have a sense of humor about the situation.

Thursday, March 04, 2010  

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