Thursday, November 12, 2009

Prenatal Appt- 37 wks

I had my 37 week appt yesterday and I was a little bit disappointed, but also relieved.
Disappointing because I have been contracting pretty darn hard, to the point where we have almost gone in to the birthing center. The contractions were strong and exactly 5 minutes apart for over an hour one night! (Pat was running around packing our bags and loading the car seat in the truck.) Anyhow, I was sure that at this appt I'd find out that I was dilated more, baby was low and things ready to progress...well, I was wrong. I am still at 2-3 centimeters and cervix is not that favorable and baby has not dropped down any lower than it was 2 weeks ago! I was shocked. My body feels like it has been working so hard, I was sure I had made some progress. Of Course, I realize this could all change over night, but it was still a little disappointing.
However, I am somewhat relieved simply because I still have a few weeks until estimated D-Day and the longer baby "incubates", the better. Especially with all the flu viruses going around. I just wish that the contractions would ease up a bit, they are WEARING me OUT! My body is sore and tired all over! My OB is a bit concerned about my legs (varicose veins), but I am doing everything possible to keep my circulation pumping. My TED stockings are very uncomfortable, but I wear them and I elevate my legs throughout the day. Not much else I can do a the moment. She said they would have to watch me closely after delivery and I will have to see the vascular surgeon at about 6 wks postpartum. What a bummer to know that I will have to have vein stripping done again- it is such a painful surgery!
It will all be worth it when I get to meet my new baby... I will forget about it all.
The kids are doing good and seem to get more anxious each day. Lilly asks every morning "Momma is the baby ok?" and "Momma is the baby getting bigger?". It's very sweet. She also runs to hug me and bumps my "basketball" of a belly a bit too hard at times. Mac is now changing his thinking of it's a boy to a girl. He's anxious to find out.
I am getting the hang of driving my new "bus". I am very grateful for the sensors that beep at me when I am backing the thing up...
Pat is keeping busy at work and has been extremely supportive and helpful. My not sleeping has kind of rubbed off on him too- but he still manages.
Well, that's it for now- our bathroom is still not finished. I really can't discuss it or think about it anymore. It just aggravates and infuriates me, so I am ignoring each thought that pops up about it.
Oh, one more thing-
Mac says "THANK YOU" to all who have helped with his fundraiser!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I could help you out!!!
If you see a place for me to do so, just let me know, K? I remember when you had your leg surgery before. I would be more than happy to be there for you! always and forever!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009  
Blogger Kelsey said...

Dude, these babies are NEVER COMING OUT!!

Friday, November 13, 2009  

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