Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Great News,"Less Nerves" and Birthday Wishes...

So, my day started out with a great phone call from my Dad.
He had his "big" appt today with the Hep C specialist to go over his genotype and therapy treatments. He has a favorable genotype, meaning that he is only in stage one or two of this disease and will only have to complete the 24 weeks of therapy versus 48 weeks of therapy/treatments. His therapy consists of weekly shots, weekly blood work and pills daily. After the first 4 weeks, he will be re-assessed and may be able to go to monthly blood work tests. Unfortunately, he has to drive to El Paso once a week regardless of blood tests because they cannot mail him his injections, so he has to pick them up weekly. It is a 4 hour drive one way to El Paso. I am sure that drive will get old. But, all in all, this is the best news we could have gotten about what stage of Hep C he has. After he completes this therapy, the Hep virus will be knocked out/in remission and he will not have any future problems with it. Dad and I have been very "anxious and nervous" about this appt. Both of us are very relieved that he got good news...YEAH!!

I had my 25 week appt today and everything is moving along smoothly. I have the normal complaints of being uncomfortable, not sleeping well, Braxton-Hicks Contractions and some pain in my legs due to my bad veins, but they all seem minor. Baby's heart beat was great and I am perfectly on track with my weight and measurements. My next appt is for my one hour GTT (glucose test) and to get my Rogham shot. I am RH-, so my blood and the baby's blood cannot mix or it's toxic to me only. The Rogham prevents any complications. I will receive another Rogham shot after I deliver.
I am getting very excited to meet this baby. It is very active...

One last, but important thing... we are a day late on getting this posted, but we are posting it with much love!
Happy Birthday Momma B! Hope you had a great birthday-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh you guys! you made me cry! Thank you so much! That was the best gift ever! I love you all so much!
Very glad to hear the good news about your dad, Laura! Awesome! He is such a cool guy! I wish I could have gotten to know him more. or rather visit with him.
I can see why YOU are the wonderful person YOU are!!!!
good to hear about the baby!
I can't wait to meet Lakota too! heehee (You're not going to hate me for calling HER that are you???)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh...and one more thing...
I so love the photo of you holding Lilly with the extremely sad much that it is our computer screensaver. A very precious shot of mom and daughter.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009  
Blogger Pam Griffis said...

So glad to hear that you dad got good news. That drive will surely get to him but I am sure the treatment plan will be over before he knows it.

Take care of yourself and the family. I think you guys are busier than we are. Thank goodness school is almost ready to start.

Thursday, August 20, 2009  

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