Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Birthday Parties and a Wedding...

The wedding has come and gone.... Dan and Daisy are officially hitched! We enjoyed being a part of their special day. We cooked the meat and potatoes for the big day and got some rave reviews! We were a bit stressed, but had great helpers and pulled it all off without any disasters. We had everything ready on time and served everyone. We fed about 200 people.
I also did Daisy's make-up earlier in the day and had to get Lilly ready for her job as flower girl. She looked darling in her dress and we were sure that she would do her part without any problems, but as she lined up to get ready to walk with Tarver, (he was ring bearer) I knew we were going to have a problem. She looked at me and said "Momma, there's too many people." I tried calming her, but we were running short on time. I ended up walking her down the aisle in my khaki pants, flip-flops and not so nice shirt!! I couldn't dress up for the event because I was cooking all day! It was a bit embarrassing, but I survived....
Tarver did a superb job. He wasn't nervous at all.

The trailer worked great! It was awesome. Kelly made us a banner with our name on it and we had a lot of our business cards disappear, so guess people liked our food. We may have another wedding to do in September already-

Jason and Destiny are good friends of ours and were amazing help! We could not have pulled the event off without their hard work. Thanks Much you two! We also want to thank Jimmy, Tim and Mr. Langston for their help as well. Kate and Brittany did a stellar job helping us serve the food too-

Destiny and I made the camo aprons to match Dan's (the groom) vest. They matched him perfectly and tied into the wedding well. I will have more wedding pictures soon. I didn't have a chance to get some of Dan and Daisy... just too busy.

We also had two swimming parties during the week. Hunter and Logan turned 4 on Sunday and the kids had a blast at the swimming party. The weather cooperated nicely! Lilly scored on candy from the pinata.

Other pool party was for Dave. He is a young 38! The Dad's below had a great time with all the kiddo's in the pool.

Mac and his buddies- Kaymen and Noah

Lilly enjoyed the inter tube and slide!

We are now getting ready for back to school. Lilly has her Open House this evening and Mac starts football tomorrow. School starts on the 8th. Also having a neighborhood garage sale this Friday and Saturday. We have plenty to do to get ready for everything...thought maybe we would have some "down time", but know that was just wishful thinking! Ha-


Blogger Coody Corner said...

what great pictures. Lilly is precious in her dress.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009  
Blogger Pam Griffis said...

Wow! You guys don't start until after Labor Day. I do kinda wish that was us but then it would have been another couple of weeks of the kids going nuts! Lilly is adorable in her dress. Connie finally started wearing dresses and now that's all she wants to wear. She has even tried to sneak in some of Amy's shirts to try to wear as dresses!

Have a great couple of busy weeks left of your summer. It will be over before you know it!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw Sherry's photos of the wedding posted on Facebook! You looked fine helping Lilly!
Where was the wedding at? It looked like a wonderful event!
Tarver looked so fine in that suit and Lilly adorable...as ever!

Friday, August 28, 2009  

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