Thursday, March 1, 2012

Texan at Heart

We are here...I am here in Dad's home.
It's so quiet.
The wind started blowing a little while ago, so there's a soft howl here and there.
I am doing OK. It's tough.
I keep calm for awhile and then at other times I feel panic set in.
Thank Goodness that Nonna and PePaw are right next door. I can easily flee over to them if the panic becomes too much.
I did go get boxes today.
Will start packing some things up maybe this eve, but definitely tomorrow.
My path feels a little unclear,
I leap forward into the unknown.
I have decided that looking back is not an alternative right now.
So, I am going to stretch my arms way up high, let go of the fear, believe I can, and just leap.
I am braver than I know.
Dad is here with me, I can feel him.
John will be in late tonight.
We will set Dad's headstone on Saturday. It turned out really nice.
I will post pictures of it as soon as it's up.
Love to you all.
Love to my babies...I miss them a lot.


Blogger Pamela Lacey said...

Hi sweetie, I am glad you made it to your dad's. I just want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying that you will be strong as I know you will. I love you very much. Love always, Mom.
P.S. (I have a new email that is pjlacey2010@gmail). Take care and I look forward to hearing from you when you come back to Oregon. Please know that I am also with you.

Friday, March 02, 2012  
Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

Laura, your writing is so elegant!
I appreciate your words, your thoughts. They help me understand.
You are stronger than you know, my dear friend. Raise those arms high and do let go of the fear and anxiety, for a brief moment if you can. Trust yourself, trust your time with Pat, John, Nonna, and Pe-Paw. I am glad that you are close by to them so that if you do need them, they can comfort you.
It is almost my time to spend with your kiddos! I am sure that Kathy has had a super time with them. I look forward to the next 5 days and will take the utmost care of them. love you always and forever...Momma B.

Friday, March 02, 2012  
Blogger MsSedg said...

You are such a strong woman and I look up to you in so many ways. Your kids are so lucky to have you as their mother. As time goes by, it will get easier. You have so many good memories and that is what you need to hold onto. God Bless and we'll see you when you get home! :)

Sunday, March 04, 2012  

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