Monday, February 14, 2011

An "OUCH" of a weekend!

Our weekend turned "very sour" at about 7:00 p.m. on Saturday evening. At least it all fell apart after the big Prince and Princess Ball...but once it did- it was horrible.
I had been sick with a stomach bug earlier in the week on Wednesday and then Griff got it Thursday. He had stopped throwing up by Friday, but had diarrhea pretty bad. I just tried to keep him hydrated and rested as best as I could. Mac, Lilly and Pat were all feeling fine through all of this time, so I figured the bug had come and gone. I couldn't have been more wrong! On Saturday evening I got sick came back with a vengeance. I was in so much pain. I couldn't believe it. I have NEVER been that sick...every muscle hurt, my head was just screaming and I was throwing up like crazy. I pretty much locked myself in the the bedroom trying to survive it. Pat decided to sleep downstairs, away from hopes that he would not get sick. At 1:00 a.m. he heard Mac scrambling to make it to the bathroom. He was throwing up and SO SICK. It was awful. I couldn't move and just felt totally helpless. Pat had to try to comfort him. By 5:00 a.m. Pat was throwing up and in pain too. I had no idea what I was going to do when Griff and Lilly woke up. I sent Cathy B. (Momma B) a text that said "we need help!". She replied right away and I can't really remember too much right after that. When I woke back up, she was downstairs with all 3 kids. She had brought groceries, medicine, 7Up, Gatorade and even popsicles! Griff was sick again, but not as bad as before. Lilly was fine and showing no signs of feeling ill. I moved Mac upstairs with Pat and I. He was in so much pain with stomach cramping, headache, etc. It was awful. We all slept more and just tried to get through it. Momma B had her hands full with Griff and Lilly. At some point, Griff was in his booster seat eating some crackers and he popped the tray off his seat. He fell out of the seat and hit the floor. It was about a 3 foot fall from the chair. He cut open his eyebrow and screamed bloody murder. Pat and I jumped up from the bed and came downstairs. Poor Cathy and Poor Griff...their eyes were huge and you could tell their hearts were racing.
We calmed Griff down and decided to take him to the ER. I left Pat here to care for Mac and I gathered any and all the strength I had to get us to the ER. Momma B went with us. I was so glad to have her there because I still didn't feel very good. When we got there, the place was pretty full and everyone there was sick!! It sounded like the same stuff that we had. All I can say is that is was horrible! I think it's a flu bug-
Griff ended up with 3 stitches. He handled it very well and they really couldn't be in a better spot! His scar will be very hard to see because it's right in the middle of his eyebrow. I will take him back in 6 days to have them removed. He is doing much better now. No more throwing up and diarrhea seems to be getting a little bit better. He is still very clingy and pretty fussy, but I am glad that he isn't as sick anymore.

Momma B stayed until late evening with all of us. We were able to get more sleep and I felt MUCH better by the time she left. After getting everyone to bed, I started disinfecting everything in this house. I slept away from Pat because he was still sick. Both Mac and Pat are better today. Lilly has yet to get this...I kept her home from school just in case. I would hate to give this to anyone. She was really upset about having to miss her Valentine's party, but I promised her that they would save all her cards and goodies. We REALLY need her to stay healthy because her ABR test is on Wednesday. They won't be able to do the test if she is sick because she has to be under anesthesia. Please, oh please don't get sick Lilly Belle!
This morning Cathy text me to say that she has our bug. I feel so guilty!! We asked her for our help, she came running and we got her sick! Just horrible. Luckily, Jim knew she would catch our bug and he was prepared. He went to the store and got her all the essentials needed to survive this nasty bug. She was able to get a sub for her class. I told Lilly that she had to miss her Valentine's Day Party too.
So sorry we got you ill Momma B. We will somehow make it up to you!
Happy Valentine's day to all of you. We are re-cooping and scrubbing down our house...what a way to celebrate "Love Day"...


Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

please, don't feel guilty! We do what we can for those we love! I am more than happy to have helped you out. Although, I FEEL GUILTY for Griff's accident. If only I had been closer and quicker. Guess neither one of us should feel guilty. :) I am going to go back to bed. Just tapping into the sub line for a sub for the next 2 days. I probably will be ok tomorrow but want to make sure so that I can hang with Griff on Wed for ya. love ya all.

Monday, February 14, 2011  

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