Friday, February 11, 2011

Griff News

Lil' Griff is 14 months old now. He is a CUTIE.

He keeps us all on our toes at all times. He is a busy body. He wants to know what everyone is doing at all times. He runs from room to room and spies on us. If he thinks what we are doing is interesting, he demands to be in the middle of it! He is cutting more teeth right now and is a slobbering mess. He also has had a bit of a cold for about 3 weeks! Between the snotty nose and drooling mouth- he's a mess. Yesterday he had a stomach bug...threw up all afternoon and all over the house and all over me. It was quite the day. Thank goodness it was very short lived. He is fine today. I was hoping it would pass fast. I was sick with the same type of thing on Wed. It was horrible, but lasted only that day. Pat had to take him to the Doc on Wed (cuz I was sick) and she said his ears were clear and his chest sounded fine. I have been concerned about him because this cold has just latched onto him. I guess it will pass in time.

He plays hard and babbles all the time. He can say Momma, Dadda, Mac, Uh-Oh and Ba-Ba very clearly. He also waves bye-bye. I don't take him shopping with me much because he climbs out of the shopping cart constantly and SCREAMS when I try to put him back in it. Mac and Lilly never did this...I really don't like it, so I just don't take him shopping with me unless I have too!

In this picture, he wasn't feeling a 100% and was snuggling with Daddy. So Cute...hope he feels all better very soon!


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