Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It has been a tough day. Griff is not better...in fact his diarrhea is worse and he's throwing up again. I took him back to the doctor, paid my stupid $35.00 co-pay and of course there is nothing they can do for him. It's just maddening! As we were walking into the doc's office, Lilly started throwing up! She is SICK now too. I will have to call in the morning to re-schedule her ABR test at OHSU. They can't put her under anesthesia if she's sick. We may have to wait until April now to get the test done because that's how far out they are scheduled at the moment.
My carpool fell apart today too, so now I have to figure out how to get the kids to and from school. It's a charter school and buses are very limited. The kids can ride the bus to school, but there's no room on bus after school...go figure. They are on a waiting list.
Also, most tragic of all- Mr. Phillips passed away early this morning from a long battle with cancer. He was Mac's principal at Sandy Grade School. We have lots of friends that still attend there and it is just heart-breaking for all of them. There are a lot of kids at the Charter School that had Mr. P at Sandy Grade. They were all taken out of classes this morning and told that he had passed away. Some of them were crying and were upset. It was just a tough day all around...not just for me and my family, but for a lot of others too.
Time heals all wounds I hear...so hopefully things will be sunny again soon.
I will let you all know when Lilly's test gets re-scheduled. Thanks for thinking of her!


Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

I think that we are all thinking of you and your entire family. get well!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011  
Blogger Kelsey said...

What a week! That just plain sucks. I'm so sorry you got hit with this now of all times. Hang in there and hope everyone is better soon. And more importantly, I hope they stay that way! I would hate to see you have to be dragged to the looney bin ;) Hmmmm, on second thought, that might be a nice vacation for you.

Friday, February 18, 2011  

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