Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey All,
Short Post- long weekend...have 2 sick kids. Mac and Griff were both down over the weekend. Pat broke his ankle on Saturday night. I took him to the ER where most of the poeple there were totally incompetent. Told him was not broken, sent him home with only an air-cast and some Motrin for pain. No crutches or anything helpful. I knew better, so stopped at a Walgreen's that was open 24 hours, got some crutches and brought him home. Sunday morning, his phone rings and it's the ER saying that the Doc miss-read the X-Rays and Radiologist said it was broken. They were a bit stressed about sending him home on a broken ankle and wanted him to come back ASAP for a splint and to write us a referral for an Orthopedic Surgeon.
We are waiting to hear back for an appt. Hopefully this afternoon or early tomorrow. I know it's really painful and he is really frustrated. He has never had a broken bone. Made it to 42 years old with out breaking anything. For as many sports and activities he does, that's a pretty good record!!
Well, that's all I have time for right now, will post more later-


Blogger Idle Chatter and Random Thoughts said...

Good luck!!! Hope all goes well when you do get to the Ortho-dr.

Thursday, January 27, 2011  

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