Thursday, September 16, 2010

The 9 Month Mark-

Uh, yeah...I know- a snotty, gross picture. Poor guy! Way to kick off his 9 month mark!
He had his baby well visit today and has an ear infection, go figure. I knew that something was up, he has been a tad miserable for the last week or so. I couldn't tell if his ear(s) hurt or his teeth hurt. He never had a fever, so I was leaning towards teeth...I think it may just be a double whammy at this point in time. He has 4 teeth on the bottom and 4 teeth up top, with more working their way through. It looks painful and he is NOT happy about it. He has hardly slept this week, which means I don't get any either. Last night he SCREAMED for over an hour and nothing was working to calm him down. It was a long night. I am really HOPING that tonight is better. We have antibiotics and numbing drops for the ears, plus Tylenol going every 4 hours- maybe he will rest some tonight. Please, Oh Please....

He weighed 23.5 lbs today and was 29 1/4" long. He is meeting and exceeding most of his milestones that are recommended by his pediatrician. He is generally a very happy kiddo.
He still isn't the best sleeper, but we are trying to make progress. He also still hates his car seat, but if Mac and Lilly are in the truck, he does OK. When they are gone, he screams the entire trip. He has missed them a lot since they started school.
He plays rough- likes to pull hair, scratches, throws things and just plain loves to "rough house". He has not been biting and I hope it stays that way! He can take about 3 steps all on his own before plopping to the floor. He will be running in no time.
* A few highlights this month- riding dirt bikes in LaPine, first taste (just a small one) of chocolate pudding and ice cream, first steps un-assisted, Mac/Lilly starting school and cheering Mac on at his football games *


Blogger Kelsey said...

Poor baby! He looks miserable. Hope he's feeling better soon. I can't believe he's starting to walk. I know other babies around the same age that are too and Robert could care less. He loves to stand holding on to things but just plops right down and doesn't even try to take a step. I'm ok with that though 'cause I can't even imagine how much trouble he'll be getting into when that day comes.

Friday, September 17, 2010  
Blogger Tanya said...

He is getting so big, can't wait to meet him. All three of mine walked around 10-11 months. I was kind of prepared for Wyatt and Grayson, but of course the first you never know when that first step is going to take place and then they are off to walking everywhere. I know you will have your camera ready.

Thursday, September 23, 2010  

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