Friday, December 11, 2009

Catchin' Up-

We call this look "the stink eye"... he gives it to Daddy pretty often! Ha-
Griff is doing great. He had a great report at his one week check-up. He was only down a few ounces in weight. He has his 2 week check on Tuesday and I think he will be over 9 lbs by then. He is a big boy.

Mac and Lilly are AWESOME helpers and have enjoyed Griff. These pictures are from last week. Pat took Lilly to her Nativity Breakfast at school. She thoroughly enjoyed having her Daddy take her and she was all dolled up for the event.
Mac is excited for Christmas break and of course his 9th b-day that is right around the corner...YIKES! I can't believe that he is going to be 9!

I have had no problems with adjusting to 3 kiddo's so far. I pack 'em all up when we have to go somewhere and have been on time to most things. (I am now grateful for my new big bus)
I am a bit sleep deprived, but not bad. Pat has been a huge support and helper- but he ALWAYS is. He is just an awesome hubby, friend and daddy...his Momma raised him right! I have not had to cook a meal since we came home! Our friends and family have brought us meals every night since we came home!! I have meals coming all through next week too. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR THE MEALS! It has been a huge are all a blessing to us.

I know a lot of you have called and get my voice mail- I just can't seem to find a lot of time to answer the phone or chat lately, so bear with me. I will get back on track here soon!
We are going to see Santa this eve and hopefully finish all our Christmas shopping this weekend...this time of the year is sooo busy!


Blogger Pam Griffis said...

The pics are adorable. I am glad that you are adjusting well. I haven't posted pics yet but our kiddos saw Santa last night. Amy wasn't happy that I asked her to be in the pics but she survived it.

The kids all look great and I am sure that you are getting all the rest you desire....lololol

We hope you all have a great Christmas and hope to see you soon.

Saturday, December 12, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lilly looks so grown up! How pretty she is! Love the red on her. glad that she likes santa. Mac's at that age, huh? Almost 9. wow. love the stink eye on Griff! too funny.
Hope you are getting some rest.

Sunday, December 13, 2009  
Blogger Coody Corner said...

All the kids are so precious.....I must say that Griff looks just like Pat to I wrong????? Hope to see you soon.

Monday, December 14, 2009  

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