Thursday, August 6, 2009

Trying to Keep Up!

Once again, I am way behind on keeping you all updated on our events. It just seems there is not enough hours in the day... I will start out with what we did last weekend. On our way home from visiting family in Veneta on Sunday, we did a very quick stop in our previous home town of Canby to let Dad see his brick that we had done to honor his service in Vietnam. He was pretty impressed with it and it was my first time seeing it because we moved before they had gotten it finished.

This is John, Dad, Pat and Nora hanging out on the creek behind the cabin in Rhododendron. This cabin is only about 20 minutes from our house and has been in Pat's family for a long time. John and Nora loved it and were able to spend 2 nights out there. It is very close to Ski Bowl and Timberline, so there is a lot of hiking, fishing, sight seeing, etc to do!

Mac and Lilly caught a frog that was hopping a long the creek.

This is Nora. We were on our way home from Veneta & Lilly was enjoying taking pictures from the back seat.

This is SCARY.... an example of John's "morning hair"...
I will never figure out where he got that hair from!

The Veneta Gang (my mom's side of the family) ...
I will start with top row-
Uncle Vic, Uncle Albert, Dad(in the dark shadow), Uncle Larry, Aunt Sheri, Nora and John.
In second row-
Aunt Sharon, Aunt Alice, Grandma Fran with Lilly and Grandpa Jim with Mac.
Not a great picture, too many shadows. Maybe someone else got a better one.
We had a great visit with all of them!!

Me... the PREGO.


Uncle Vic (mom's brother)

My Great Aunt Alice and my Grandmother

My Grandfather and Great Uncle Albert

Saturday was Daisy's first wedding shower. I was very glad that she was having more than one because I couldn't go to the one planned for Sunday. I got to meet a lot of her family members, including her mom and dad. It was a very nice shower. This is a picture of Daisy, Kelly (Pat's sister) and myself.

Here is Kelly and myself.... I hid my baby tummy pretty well... gotta love the color black!

This is the Bride-to-Be! She is a total sweetheart.... Dan is very lucky to have crossed paths with her. Dan is Kelly's step-son, so that makes me his Aunt by marriage. The funny thing is... I am a few years younger than Dan, but get to call him my nephew and he calls me "Auntie Laura"

Daisy, her two younger sisters and her mom.

The Blushing Bride-to-Be! It wouldn't be a normal shower or a traditional one if she didn't get a nightie to be embarrassed by.

So, now it is Thursday and I am pooped. John and Nora left yesterday to go back to Texas and then Nora leaves Texas on Sunday to go back to Switzerland. We had a great time with them. It was short, but great. We hope that we can have more time with them the next trip that they make out this way. Dad will be here for about 7 more days I think. We have been keeping him busy and have done a lot of fun things. His 60th b-day is this Sunday. He will be out in the ocean on a fishing trip to celebrate it! We will hopefully be having a party/BBQ for him before he leaves to go back home.
Pat is keeping busy at work, always a blessing at this moment in time. The kids are getting bigger and faster and I am getting bigger and slower....totally not fair in my book! However, I am trying my hardest to keep up.
That's it for now...


Blogger Kelsey said...

Fun, fun, fun. And Wow, that hair is impressive. I thought maybe he had cut it after seeing that last family pic you posted, but obviously not. He'll be able to donate to Locks of Love before too long. Can you imagine the looks on their faces if that got that thing in the mail! Hahaha!

You're looking great and so glad y'all are having fun!

Friday, August 07, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. You are totally busy!
Looking good, you are! I think that you and Nora could be sisters. You two look alot alike. (but I think you're prettier...but I am extremely biased as you may recall.) Enjoy your last week with your pops! Hope you put all of your photos in an album to cherish!

Friday, August 07, 2009  
Blogger Coody Corner said...

I did not see Pam in any of the pictures. Was she there????? You look great prego!!!!! Jerry looks like he is enjoying himself. Is he ready to come back to Texas yet?????

Friday, August 07, 2009  
Blogger Pat and Laura Potter said...

To answer Aunt Myrt,
Mom was there for most of the time. She is in some of the first pictures I posted in an earlier post. She was at the family gathering in Veneta as well, but had left to do something before we started the picture taking. She also went on the road trip that John and Nora took in Eastern Oregon, so she had a lot of time with them.

Friday, August 07, 2009  
Blogger Pat and Laura Potter said...

Oh, also...
I am not sure how ready Dad is to return to Texas. I know he misses his mountain and has plenty of things to do, but he also has to start his he may be dragging his feet a bit. I can tell that he is nervous about it. But he also states that he "survived NOM, so this is nothing"....

Friday, August 07, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Friday, August 07, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does your dad speak much of his experiences in 'Nam? I think it would be interesting for he and Jim to chat abit...find out where they were and when?

And ma'am? You look very lovely even if you move slowly.

Friday, August 07, 2009  
Blogger Pat and Laura Potter said...

Dad has to be in the right place, time or mood to chat about 'Nam... but he has gotten a lot "lighter" about it.

Friday, August 07, 2009  

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