Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First Look at Baby Potter #3

So, this is not a great picture, but it makes it all seem more real to me! Baby #3 is doing great. Heart rate is good and all looks well so far. He/She was moving around and looks like a
"jumping bean" at this stage of pregnancy.
My due date is December 8th. I do not pay much attention to my due dates because I also go past them and have to be induced...we'll see if this one turns out the same. I have been REALLY nauseous and REALLY tired, but it all helps when I get to see Baby and confirm that everything is going well!
Ta-Ta for now-


Blogger Kelsey said...

Oh man, I'm so jealous! I won't get an ultrasound until the "big one" around 18 weeks. I guess that's what I get for going with the birthing center. My next appointment is next week, so hopefully we'll hear a heartbeat.

And yay, maybe the baby will be born on it's due date and share b-days with Clara.

I hope you (and I) start feeling better real soon!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009  
Blogger Pat and Laura Potter said...

Yes, I hope we do both feel better soon! Yucky sums up how most days are right now for me...and having no choice but to get up and move because of the kids' schedules seems impossible at times, but I am managing. I had an early ultrasound because I miscarried this past December, so we are just monitoring a bit closer. We only told just a few people about that. It actually happened while my Dad was here for Christmas...anyhow, we are relieved that all looks well! Ta-Ta for now...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that your wee one looks beautiful!! Such a lucky child as is Mac and Lilly! Well, you know what I are one very special momma!

Friday, May 01, 2009  

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