Saturday, November 8, 2008

Weekend Activities...

Well, it is Saturday and I realized I didn't blog that much this past week. I was to frustrated about not being able to upload my pictures. I still can't, but feel better about getting my new fall season design up. Any progress I make with this blog is a big accomplishment in my book! We had a pretty typical week. I went to my Bunco group/game on Monday night and played well enough to leave with a prize. I won an adorable fall/thanksgiving decoration type thing that I hung on my front porch. very cute-

We had the usual busy week at school. Mac had a fundraiser start. It is one of my faves...he is selling tubs of cookie dough. All kinds and they are yummy and we will get them back just in time for the holidays! Yeah!! Speaking of the holidays, how did they get here so fast? I am usually much more on top of things by this time of the year. I feel like I just have a ton of stuff to get done. I have done ZERO shopping yet. At the rate I'm going, I am going to have to shop at stores that are open 24 hours cuz I will be doing it at 2 a.m.

My confessions/guilt of the week...I ate a ton of leftover Halloween candy, even woke up at 3 a.m. once and had Reese's Peanut Butter cups...KING SIZE. Youch- will gain 5 lbs. just from those alone! My other confession- Lilly has (had) these feather boas' that she loves...after picking up pink and purple feathers ALL week long...I snuck them from her room and threw them away. I feel bad, but she hasn't noticed yet. (did it yesterday) I think the vacuum is glad to have them gone too...

Today Grandma Fran (my mother's mom) and Grandpa Jim came by for a visit. We have not seen them since before school started, so we were glad they came by. They had not been to our new house yet, so they got to have the tour. We are having Thanksgiving dinner here, so we are looking forward to seeing them again in a few weeks!

Mac has football tomorrow. It's the play-offs and he could end up playing 4-5 games all tomorrow! I think it is insane. It's flag youth football, the kids are 7 and 8 yrs old. They don't need to be that competitive yet. I am sure I mentioned that our coach was suspended earlier this season for arguing with refs/other coaches. Some of the parents are horrible. It stresses us all out and takes the fun out of the game. It is suppose to be cold and very wet tomorrow as well...can ya tell I am ready for football to be over? LOL...

I need to stop rambling and log thinking of trying to talk Pat into going to DQ to get me a dilly bar. It's only 8 p.m. on a Saturday night. Although the Beaver football game just started and he has been waiting all day to watch it....ugh, darn football!


Blogger Tanya said...

I am so glad that Cody does not watch any sports, he just likes to take long naps. Then he does not hog the tv if I want to watch someting, so sad, not that we don't have an extra tv.
I don't know how competitive Hobbs is yet, as far as youth sports goes, I guess we will find out this summer, when Bryce plays baseball. I think it is ok to be somewhat competitive, but they are kids and at that age it should be just pure fun. Of course, I do get on to Bryce when he just stands around an pouts instead of being a team player, whole other story.
I will stop writing now, I probably could go on.

Sunday, November 09, 2008  
Blogger Pat and Laura Potter said...

Baseball is a lot of fun. It has always been one of Mac's favorite sports and he started playing at the age of 4! So, we are not new to sports or being competitive. This is the first team we have been on where the parents/coaches are taking things too far. Knew it would happen eventually. But we finished the season with a bang and took 3rd place overall in the play-offs! GO BLUE THUNDER!!! I just hope next year people tone things down a bit and remember how they should conduct themselves so that the kids can have fun-

Sunday, November 09, 2008  

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