Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Gives?

How can kids be mean sometimes at
the early age of 3 & 4?
Today was Lilly's Harvest party at school & she was sooo excited to wear her Thomas the Train costume. (she looked so stinkin cute, sorry no pictures at the moment)
Anyhow, we get there and all the other girls are Princesses. They walk up to her in a group and say "Ha, you are not a princess!" It was pretty rude and I was shocked. Lilly turns to me and just falls apart, crying "I want my princess" was awful. She has a princess dress, but she wears it for play and she wanted to be Thomas! Do I truly have to worry about "cliques" and not "fitting in" during the pre-school years?? Just a bummer. I had to leave Lilly there and go work at Mac's school. I called to check on her and was told she re-cooped after awhile. I was very proud of her for leaving Thomas on and moving on with her day. In fact, we went had ice cream after I picked her up-
PS: The Momma-Bear in me wants to call those gals "Lil' Brats"!!!


Blogger Kelsey said...

Poor thing! That's terrible and yes, that's just the world we live in today. Soon it will be she has on the wrong shoes or is playing with the wrong doll or hasn't seen the "it" movie or (gasp!) doesn't have a cell phone.

It's so sad that little girls grow up so fast. I think that having a supportive Mama that just listens and then helps teach her how to shrug it off will be an amazing help. Teaching them it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks and to just be themselves is sooo important these days. I so hope Clara doesn't give in to all the peer pressure. (And me either for that matter.)

I'm so glad she finished up the day as Thomas. If I had witnessed that and it had been Clara that ganged up on another person becaue she wasn't dressed "right", by golly she would've been a princess with no dress that day.

Can you tell this irks me a bit?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008  
Blogger Pat and Laura Potter said...

Yes, I agree! If Lilly had been part of the mean "clique", I would have been on her in a heart-beat and would have made her apologize to say the least. There were some of the parents present and they did not say a word to their child. I was smokin' mad-
I guess the important thing is Lilly learned it's ok to be different and she made it through the day. The boys loved her costume and told her how "COOL" it was! She also got a prize for best girl costume-

Wednesday, October 29, 2008  
Blogger TL LARA said...

that's so sad! i cant wait to see pics of her outfit. did you make her candycorn dress?

brody is using the enfamil infacare formula..which is for premature and low birth weights. man, using the boobs are lots is insane how much formula costs! ha

Wednesday, October 29, 2008  
Blogger Tanya said...

What mean little girls. I am glad that Lilly moved on and, this is rude of me, but I am glad she could show off her reward for her costume.

Thursday, October 30, 2008  

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